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      您當前所在的位置: 貴州人才信息網 > 成都建工工業設備安裝有限..
      累積點擊 198477


      公司規模: 500 - 999人

      公司性質: 國有企業

      所屬行業: 建筑、裝潢

      所在地區: 貴州-貴陽市-觀山湖區




      Historical Background

      Chengdu construction industrial equipment installation co., LTD., founded in 1956, belonging to construction group co., LTD., chengdu has a mechanical and electrical engineering, construction engineering, municipal utilities three first-rank one general contracting and petrochemical two class general contracting qualification, foundation, waterproof anti-corrosion insulation, environmental protection engineering, city and road lighting, electronic and intelligent, fire control facilities, building decoration, such as one grade professional construction qualification 10, hoisting machinery, pressure pipe, boiler and other kinds of special equipment installation, maintenance of form a complete set of qualification is complete. Is a large state-owned comprehensive installation and construction enterprises.




      Company is mainly engaged in the core business is mechanical and electrical installation, main contract war industry, industry, electronics, medical, traffic hub, commercial complex, hotels, theaters, exhibition halls and other public and civil construction of the integrated installation, including complete sets of equipment, electrical, fire protection, ventilation, air conditioning, automatic control system, boiler, pressure pipeline facilities such as equipment installation. The company focuses on the development of municipal public works and housing construction projects, can undertake large municipal public works, housing construction, steel structure engineering and architectural decoration and other engineering construction.

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